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VTNE Animal Medecine Study College University Science Notes Tests

Go to the VTNE Veterinary Science Science Courses Notes Tests

Veterinary Medicine and Animal Care Everything you need to know to become a real Vet

Animals have played a crucial role in the lives of humans for thousands of years, and ensuring that our furry (and not so furry) friends are happy and healthy has become a firmly established field of expertise. Veterinary science deals with the health and wellbeing of animals. Like medical degrees, this encompasses everything from preventative care to psychological analysis and complex surgical procedures. If you’re passionate about ensuring animal wellbeing, have a strong aptitude for scientific study and feel up to the challenge of dealing with all kinds of creatures (and owners), a veterinary degree could be for you.

Veterinary science deals with the health and wellbeing of animals. Much like a medical degree, it covers everything from preventative care to psychological assessment to complex surgical procedures.In order to become a qualified practitioner, students should anticipate a relatively long and demanding period of study (an average of five years) and once established within the field, veterinary science is competitive and demanding. That being said, veterinary physicians and scientists are always in demand, so there is a very low unemployment rate among graduates.

Veterinary medicine : The medical science concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals. Aside from diagnosing and treating sick and injured animals, veterinarians prevent the transmission of animal diseases to people, and advise owners on the proper care of animals. Veterinarians work to ensure a safe food supply by maintaining the health of agricultural animals and by inspecting food processing industries. Veterinarians are also involved in the preservation of wildlife. Veterinary school is usually 4 years and requires a prior college degree in the US and Canada. The degree is a DMV (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).

Why choose Veterinary Science

Are you passionate about animal medicine ? Are you interested in the health and welfare of dogs, cats, exotic pets, horses, production animals and wildlife? What if you could study veterinary science at an internationally accredited university with world-class teaching, hospital and research facilities?

Beyond individual animal medicine, veterinarians are intimately engaged in the protection of animal production industries, animal health at the population level, and managing diseases at a global level. Veterinarians work within a One Health framework that aims to optimise human health and welfare through protecting public health, food security, and the human-animal bond.

Veterinary science as a subject concerns the treatment of a range of different animals – from domestic pets to farmyard animals – and combines an array of subjects like anatomy and animal behaviour, as well as niche subjects like parasitology (the study of parasites) and gastroenterology (the study of the stomach and intestines).

Many of the subject areas covered during a veterinary science degree crossover with medical degrees, such as preventative care, psychological analysis and neurology. However, as the patient is very different, courses have to offer animal-specific modules, like breeding, for instance.

If you’re passionate about ensuring animal wellbeing, have a strong aptitude for scientific study and feel up to the challenge of dealing with all kinds of creatures – in both happy and sad circumstances – a veterinary science degree could be for you.

A typical Veterinary Medicine undergraduate degree lasts five years and modules generally cover anatomy and physiology, animal husbandry, microbiology, public health, parasitology and pathology. The first two years of the programme are classed as the foundation phase, with the third and fourth clinical and fifth professional.

Veterinary Medicine graduates are in demand and will move into private animal welfare practices, as well as working at charities, laboratories, abattoirs and within the public health sector. If a student chooses to continue study at postgraduate level, careers can be forged in more specialist areas of the profession.

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