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Human Resources Management Courses Notes Tests University

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Human Resources Management Hiring process, staffing, firing College Notes courses

Human resource management is a contemporary, umbrella term used to describe the management and development of employees in an organization. Also called personnel or talent management (although these terms are a bit antiquated), human resource management involves overseeing all things related to managing an organization’s human capital.

Human resource management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in an organization. As you can imagine, all of the processes and programs that are touched by people are part of the HR kingdom.

Human resource management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels. Examples of core qualities of HR management are extensive knowledge of the industry, leadership, and effective negotiation skills. Formerly called personnel management.

Among the five Ms of management, i.e., men, money, machines, materials, and methods, HRM deals about the first M, which is men. It is believed that in the five Ms, "men" is the not so easy to manage. This may be so because among the five, "every man is different from other" and they are totally different from the other Ms in the sense that men possess the power to manipulate the other Ms. Whereas, the other Ms are either lifeless or abstract and as such, do not have the power to think and decide what is good for them

Human resource management is the process of recruitment and selecting employee, providing orientation and induction, training and development , assessment of employee (performance of appraisal), providing compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining proper relations with employees and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety, welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labour laws of the land.

Human resource management begins with the definition of the required quantities of people possessing particular skills to carry out specific tasks. Thereafter, job candidates must be found, recruited, and selected. After hiring, the employees must be trained or retrained, negotiated with, counseled, evaluated, directed, rewarded, transferred, promoted, and finally released or retired. In many of these relations, managers deal directly with their associates. In some companies, however, employees are represented by unions, meaning that managers bargain with representative associations. Such collective-bargaining relationships are generally described as labour relations.

Human resource management majors typically begin their careers with positions as corporate recruiters, employee relations specialists, compensation analysts, HR generalists, and management trainees. Advancement opportunities exist in such occupations as employee relations, training and development, human resources management, labor relations, employee recruitment and selection, and compensation and benefits administrators.

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