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Cours universitaires d'économie en anglais. Licence, Master.

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Economics Science (Finance, Accouting, Management)
Economics is a study of human behaviour – above all, the allocation of scarce resources between competing ends. It requires the analysis of economic, commercial and financial life in all its institutional richness, or it is nothing. A solid grounding in theory and numeracy is essential but so, too, are broad dashes of politics, history, sociology and common sense. Economics is the scientific study of the ownership, use, and exchange of scarce resources - often shortened to the science of scarcity. Economics is regarded as a social science because it uses scientific methods to build theories that can help explain the behaviour of individuals, groups and organisations. Economics attempts to explain economic behaviour, which arises when scarce resources are exchanged.

In terms of methodology, economists, like other social scientists, are not able to undertake controlled experiments in the way that chemists and biologists are. Hence, economists have to employ different methods, based primarily on observation and deduction and the construction of abstract models.

As the social sciences have evolved over the last 100 years, they have become increasingly specialised. This is true for economics, as witnessed by the development of many different strands of investigation including micro and macro economics, pure and applied economics, and industrial and financial economics. What links them all is the attempt to understand how and why exchange takes place, and how exchange creates benefits and costs for the participants.

The branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management

Just because economists disagree does not mean that economics is a "fake" science. Economists today are approaching problems using an empirical, scientific method.

Maybe Economics Is A Science, But Many Economists Are Not Scientists

Economics is a science because it can be approached scientifically, and its theories can be tested. However, economists aren't scientists because most of them are too politically polarized to view their findings objectively.

Economics is not a science in the way that physics or chemistry is a science. Yet, this is not something to be lamented. Economics is not, and will never be, at the stage where models can precisely predict the day on which a financial crisis will start before it happens, but this is not due to the lack of legitimacy of the field; instead, it is due to the inherently unpredictable sphere of study in which economics operates. People are not atoms—and this is exactly why economics is immediately relevant.

ATTENTION: La gestion (finance) fait partie des secteurs où les entreprises abusent des stagiaires et des contrats précaires (alternance, contrat pro... )

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