Contacter le chaman des Balkans ✓

❖ Some infos to contact me by phone ❖

= Si vous cherchez à me contacter❖ ou pas)


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Skype Me™!

My Skype ID gerald.veritas
Call me or not, because I am seldom online

Skype Me™!
Téléchargez Skype et appelez gratuitement.

♌ To c♋ntact ♏e here is ♏y ph♋ne number +16180339887 ☮

As you may have inferred, this is a fake number which is in reality the
value of golden figure (ou chiffre d'or) !
which is a famous mathematical value 1,6180339887
I put this here because I have no money to buy a skype number

♌ To c♋ntact ♏e here is ♏y ph♋ne number +16180339887 ☮

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